Category: Uncategorized

Climate Change will reduce the eurozone’s GDP by up to 4% by 2030

Failure to act on climate change will take a heavy toll on the eurozone. According to a European Central Bank (ECB) study carried out on September – the first to look at the impact of climate stress on the euro economy – inaction to combat the climate emergency will, in the most extreme case, cut wealth by up to 4% by 2030 and by more than 10% by the end of this century. The analysis covers 1,600 eurozone institutions and 2.3 million non-financial firms. In particular, medium-sized European firms could see their profitability plummet by up to 40% by 2050…

Climate-related disasters increase fivefold in 50 years

Climate change and increasingly extreme weather events, have caused a surge in natural disasters over the past 50 years disproportionately impacting poorer countries, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). Thanks to improved warning systems and disaster management, the number of deaths fell almost threefold between 1970 and 2019, from 50,000 in the 1970s to fewer than 20,000 in the 2010s. According to the agencies’ Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes, from 1970 to 2019, these natural hazards accounted for 50 per cent of all disasters,…

What Is Climate Change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures. The main greenhouse gases that are causing climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline for driving a car…

More than a Game: Virtual Reality as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation

Despite skepticism about the virtues of technology, it can serve beneficial purposes with the right intentions and thoughtful implementation. Virtual and mixed reality (XR) are tools that can potentially help combat climate change by reducing inefficiencies and persuading individuals to care about the environment. XR can serve as a practice run for reality to devise ways to increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The technology can train people to be more efficient producers, reduce transportation-related emissions, create prototypes and collaborate. For example, an architect in China can use XR to walk through a building project in America without flying across…

How Can Virtual Reality Help Climate Change

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has come a long way in recent years and is increasingly being recognised as a tool for addressing environmental issues, particularly in the context of climate change. In this blog, we will explore how VR can help mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainability. One of the most promising applications of VR technology in addressing climate change is through education and awareness campaigns. VR provides an immersive and interactive experience that can help people understand the complex and far-reaching impacts of climate change. For example, VR simulations can simulate the effects of rising sea…

6 ways VR & AR help you fight Climate Change

If someone is still concerned whether the use of technology in our daily lives could be right or wrong, it needs to chill immediately. It has been revealed now that, not only technology does exactly what it has been created for, which is helping humans in their everyday tasks, but especially new technologies like VR and AR play an important role in fighting climate change. It’s true there is no Planet B, but there is Planet A(R). Augmented reality has been revealed to be a relevant hi-tech tool in the environmental sector, thanks to its ability both to raise awareness…

BIOSPERE VR: Motivating and entertaining people

Motivating and entertaining people BiosphereVR is a pioneering project using 360-degree, immersive film, also known as virtual reality (VR). Through this experience, you are taken on a ’virtual field trip’ to an array of distant places around the world where Climate Change is already showing its opposing face. This experience enables you to connect with distant crises as if they are close enough to touch.  Each journey is based on six different virtual reality experiences. Each episode is narrated by a local witness from each respective geographical region. These captivating witnesses are accompanied in their storytelling by stunning imagery and…

European Commission releases “Science for Climate Action” brochure

“To celebrate the publication of the IPCC Working Group II report on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, this brochure highlights the contribution of EU-funded projects to developing science and solutions for climate adaptation. The projects featured in this publication showcase some of the outstanding EU-funded research on topics that range from improved understanding of physical climate impacts at global-to-local scales, tipping points in Earth systems, extreme weather events and their cascading effects on the economy and society; to customised adaptation measures that build resilience through climate services, nature-based solutions and other innovations. The resultsare invaluable in paving the way towards a…

Long Term Strategy for 2050

The Long-Term Strategy for 2050 is a Roadmap for the Greek Government on Climate and Energy, in the context of the country’s participation in the collective European goal of a successful and sustainable transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050 at European Union level. The Government’s strategic goal is to contribute proportionately to the commitment to a climate-neutral economy at EU level and to contribute to the new Green Agreement promoted by the European Commission. With the completion of the elaboration and adoption of the National Energy and Climate Plan (ESEK), which analyzes the energy and climate goals set by…

An EU climate neutrality experimental program is launched; three Hungarian cities take part in it

Three Hungarian cities – Miskolc, Pécs and Budapest – are included in those 100 cities which are participating in an EU experimental program to make cities climate neutral and intelligent. The list of 100 cities was published by the European Commission on the 28th of April. According to the Commission’s announcement, climate-neutral and intelligent cities are needed, because 75 percent of EU citizens live in urban areas. Urban areas of the world are responsible for more than 65 percent of global energy consumption and more than 70 percent of carbon emissions. That’s the reason why the EU has set that…